Tag: thankfulness


Some days you just can’t be anything else but thankful!
I had one of those days on Friday.  As I walked back to our house from the bottom paddocks in the sunset light, I thought: “I am so thankful –
• for living and working in a rural environment where my husband’s time is his own
• for the creative energy I feel on this farm of ours
• for the amazing privilege of working with young children
• for the living and breathing cattle who accept me in their midst
• for the break in the season which has brought rain
• for the constantly changing beauty of the farm where I live
• for the lifegiving rain which has turned the paddocks green overnight
• for the evergreen bush and trees with that amazing eucalyptus smell
• for the wild fairy wrens who whistle away until I come and feed them on the patio
• for the chooks and guineafowl who forgive me for getting home late
• for the drive to and from school past farms, vineyards, dairies and turquoise blue dams
• for the warm sunshine on my shoulders and the blue sky overhead
• for the weekend ahead where I plan to rest and recharge
• and for the difficult child in my class who just wrote the beginning to his very first story!”

As I said,  “I can’t help but feel thankful!”

PS: I wrote this then thought about my one word for the year (JOY) and gave it the title above.  Looks like I’ve got the joy back for a while.